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Thread: World War Wendigo: Worthwhile?

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  1. #8
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Mar 2016
    London, Ontario


    Can I be entirely honest?.... I Hated every second I read of this dreck.
    Now I loved the concept of world war wendigo but the execution where to start....

    1. I know Aurora can be callous, but for her to actually suggest that Talisman is better off dead than in a relationship with puck? To care more about her life than that of an innocent child?
    2. I honestly think the only reason that they put puck in a relationship with talisman is because heathers with guardian. They literally had zero chemistry or romantic interest for what I don't know the entirety of alpha flights history. Plus the massive age difference (remember she was 6 when Heather was twelve when Judd was pushing sixty) and him being best friends with her father makes this a very squicky relationship and also insults both characters.
    3. The writers are too lazy to bother learning the names of Canadian provinces : ie they mention three cities by name in the arc: Forrest, Ottawa, and Brandon. The outbreak starts in forest ontario, and the avengers are amassed at the U.S./canada border in Minnesota, meaning the Brandon they are speaking of is the one in Manitoba... Yet Sasquatch says by the end of the week the entire province will be overrun forgetting that forest and Brandon are in two entirely seperate provinces. Oh and neither ontario or Manitoba are said once despite the majority of the story taking place there.
    4. At the end of the day only the xmen help save the day, with guardian only able to be an alien chest burster because of the great beasts giving ThE XMEN (firestar, iceman, storm, and Rockslide) the power of the gods. So the beasts sworn enemies, alpha flight aren't worthy, but the xmen are geez.
    5. the only Alpha flight member beging given character development that's not negative is north star. Auroras love for her brother she showed at the end of volume 4 is up in smoke, puck cares more about sex then heathers cry for help, talisman cares more about sex than heathers cries for help, Heather calls being brainwashed and running off with her and macs child as a "rough patch", Shaman and Marrina are mentioned in name only, Mac cares more about staying sniffy at Heather for being brainwashed than her safety. Yes I know as an xmen book alpha flight would naturally be bit players, but i didn't expect the bit parts to portray everyone s negatively.
    Last edited by Phil; 04-18-2016 at 06:44 AM.
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

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